Despite the events at the end of The Contender of Fighters '96, the 1996 tourney was a immense commercial success and sparked a world-wide disorderly furore. Within a few months of the contest termination, different cosmic corporations had held smaller KOF contest qualifiers and constructed primary Businessman Of Fighters stadiums around the world, construction the fervor up for the 1997 competition. Intelligence of the contest extended through every taxon of media and fans and new fighters from crosswise the orb uprise to observe the prelim matches. Discovered to restrict the info force of the Orochi, Geese Actor has created and entered a new '97 Unscheduled Unit', which consists of Ryuji Yamazaki, Blue
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Despite the events at the end of The Contender of Fighters '96, the 1996 tourney was a immense commercial success and sparked a world-wide disorderly furore. Within a few months of the contest termination, different cosmic corporations had held smaller KOF contest qualifiers and constructed primary Businessman Of Fighters stadiums around the world, construction the fervor up for the 1997 competition. Intelligence of the contest extended through every taxon of media and fans and new fighters from crosswise the orb uprise to observe the prelim matches. Discovered to restrict the info force of the Orochi, Geese Actor has created and entered a new '97 Unscheduled Unit', which consists of Ryuji Yamazaki, Blue